Bazhutov Yu.N.
Bychkov V.L. Samsonenko N.V.
Sharkov V.F. Goryachev I.V. Bychkova I.E. Eremeev A.V. Pletnikov E.V.
Stakhanova I.G.
-(Chairman), Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere
and Radiowave Propagation, RAS (IZMIRAN), Erzion Center;
- (Deputy Chairman), Lomonosov Moscow State University;
- (Deputy Chairman), Russian Peoples Friendship University;
- (Deputy Chairman), SSC RF “TRINITI”;
- (Scientific secretary), Rus. Res. Center "Kurchatov Institute";
- (Press-secretary), Russian Journalist Union Member;
- (Secretary), Institute of Applied Mechanics, RAS;
- (Tech. Redactor of Vebsite), Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI);
- (deputy tech. Redactor of Vebsite), IZMIRAN;